Sunday, November 1, 2009

Assignment 5: Koha list

Here is the link to my Koha list. I chose Shakespeare as my topic. The books on my list have to do with his plays, literary criticism and acting. One of them, "1001 Insults, Putdowns and Comebacks" is a hilarious book that takes humorous quotes from Shakespeare and other greats and puts them into a list of the best insults in literature.

My Koha list


  1. When I was in London a few years ago, I went to see the abridged Shakespeare. It was really funny, and seemed up the ally of your topic. If you ever get the chance to see it I would highly recommend it!

  2. Jaime, I was in that play in High School! I absolutely love it and have seen it several times since then. It takes the silliness that is already in Shakespeare and takes it to the nth degree!
